Wednesday, December 5, 2007

IAF background

The strengthen of an ultra capitalists had created an unfair situation world wide, economical gaps, free market pressure, environment destruction, war and even the stereotype of terrorism, The world divided in to two; the colonialist (represent by capital) and its colony (3rd world countries). The powerful capital countries had eased the right of many peoples in accessing a better living, exploited major natural resources and created a global poverty to almost ¾ of Earth populations, and only support to the wealth of half percent of it.


We all agreed that the main problem of the world is about fairness, either on economy, environment, politics, cultural, legal or even the very basic problem of how a man can access their right for livelihood, and food. The structural colonialism of 1strd world, contributed to the wider of the gaps, for centuries, world had far from fair, the greedy of capitalist had roped many living in earth. world countries to 3

Yet, the leaders had not agreed on the definition of fairness, in which, it has already become the main factors of earth destruction, an unfair capital and technology had only rocketing Armageddon of the earth and genocide of a living mankind. Fairness in a very basic context should be a free access to the improvement of living, lively hood and access to technology. Within it we should get the balance of economy, Environment protection, political freedom, democracy, and more access to basic rights without seclusion or treats. Those should be guaranteed to all mankind, with no doubtful.

Now days, almost 1 billion people life under the global structural poverty, thousand of hectares of forests exploited daily, the increase of carbon content from industrial activity, and the lack of natural water resources, were a part of the greedy capital power supported by 1st world countries. They also contributed to the lost of indigenous rights at their home backyard and land, (which they called development), human rights violation, labor problems, agricultural chaos and other problems to the basic rights. World has never been better since technology and capital failed in improving a fairness situation to everyone. First world countries never in a position to shared their profit to poor countries, in term of balance economy and wealth, so then at all contexts, the power of capitalism would never be defeated and world situation before this centuries had proven better.

Debates on the balance of economy and distribution of fairness, had entered a new stages, since the global warming become a main issue's of the world. Far before the north pole proven to be melted, ecologists had warned the capitalist economists on the impact of industrial development and natural exploitation, but in the name of profit and economical calculation, the economist had ignore the warning to save the earth.

Every hectare of exploited forest will be calculate as income devise, more factories build means more investment, and its mean more jobs and will be putted as the increase of economic index’s, as GNP (Gross National Product, which actually only a notes to the economic activity nor the improvement). But then none of economists calculate the lost of the forests and biodiversity, none calculated the lost of land productivity, carbon pollution from industrial, labors rights, or how farmers had dependency on chemical fertilizer, or the release of carbon from exploited forests, which then contributed to the global warming, natural disasters, and others social problems. Economists only calculated the lost of profit as it materials.

Reality shows that the main enemy of unfairness and poverty is the power of capitalism their octopus hands with free market ideology tried to create sustainable gaps and unfairness to 3rd world, and non can competed those arrogant keynessian and their powerful machines of capitalism, either its politics and ideology. But surely, an alternative ideology and political powers, being develop to dam those greedy powers. With hardworking and ideological consistencies, a country like Cuba, Venezuela, Bolivia or Brazil, tried to fight the flood of globalization. We had now a counterpart to stop the octopus. The rise of an alternative political power give us options to the idea of a better world, a world with fairness, and a new fairness to every one. Consolidation of new political alternative become urgent and important, in situation were globalization regimes had flagged their unfair agenda through political mechanism, we all should work together to build and support the alternative political power as a new emerging forces, to fight the pro capital regimes. We should hand to hand to win the political powers both local and international and stop the neo liberalism compradors, a part from a campaign or non structural movement to implement the idea of a fair world, we all now should be ready to enter the political mechanism, at ideological stages, it should be our line of struggle, if even worst we should take a guerrilla action, because justice should be fight for.

In the end, the idea of fairness is a spirit of struggles and a fair world will bring us to better world at our living earth. “For Better World”

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